// APT Water Restoration
APT Water Restoration - Insurance Claims With A Personal Touch
When a commercial or residential property is damaged, there are several factors to address. Restoration services you can count on can help you recover from recent property damage. However, restoration efforts rely heavily upon accurate insurance claims proceedings. Therefore, it's critical to be prepared for your insurance claims process when disaster strikes.
APT Water Restoration is here for you when property damage happens. We bring a personal touch to every service we offer, including helping customers with their insurance claims.
Serving the Chicago metro area for over eight years, we pride ourselves on numerous five-star ratings and an A+ BBB rating, which proves we genuinely care about our clients' wellbeing. We will help you achieve the successful repair and restoration of your home or business with quick response times and free quotes online anytime.

Insurance Claims Assistance

Dealing with insurance claims alone after an already chaotic time of recent property damage can be incredibly stressful. Luckily, you don't have to tackle insurance claims yourself. APT Water Restoration is happy to offer insurance claims assistance. Save yourself the headache and trust us when the unexpected happens.
APT offers direct billing to your insurance provider, making it easier for you to concentrate on rebuilding life as usual. We accurately log all estimates, bills, and work we do to send to your insurance provider. We have specialized team members who can handle all direct communication with your insurance company.
We understand that restoring your home can get expensive, especially if your insurance company won't cover a reasonable amount of restoration services. That is why APT Water Restoration always pledges to offer affordable prices for our services. Plus, we will help you find legal counsel to fight back against unjust insurance companies if needed.
Finally, we always give our clients free consultations and quotes, and we’ll let you know ahead of time the estimated cost for repair and restoration services. This helps home- and business owners accurately prepare for the stages of restoration ahead with the peace of mind of knowing where their money will go.

// Contact Us
Contact APT
Water Restoration Today
Insurance claims are necessary in the aftermath of any degree of property damage. Therefore, APT Water Restoration has dedicated itself to bringing a personal touch to every service we provide, including our insurance claims assistance. With direct billing, legal counsel assistance, and thorough communication with your insurance provider, let us handle the chaos and hassle of your insurance claims process. You can sit back and focus on watching your property be restored beautifully.
Contact us today at 630-855-3362 to learn more or get your free quote.